fanartsubmission themed sports

Postcard to Japan #1

Postcard to Japan

#1 Hello World…

Hi everyone, my name is Yona and welcome to my blog. Here you will find all sorts of (hopefully interesting) information about my stay as an AFS student in Japan.
I will be posting various different types of blog entries, about a lot of differerent subjects, ranging from Japanese High School life and Japanese culture in general to little things I notice along my 11 month stay and lots of random photos.

#2 Postcards TO Japan

As you may be able to tell by the main heading of this blog entry, this is postcards to japan, not from, that is simply because I am not in Japan yet. However I still wanted to get this blog started so I am sending a postcard a bit early.

#3 Nippon Nation 2016 | Sports

Last weekend was the Nippon Nation in Vienna. The featured image at the top of this blog entry was my submission to the fanart competition, which I sadly did not win. It’s a traditionally drawn piece and is 1 meter long (I flipped it so that it fits into the banner up top) I had a lot of fun and met up with a few of my japanese and japan-enthusiastic friends. I also met a ton of really cool Austrian artists (my personal favourite being swmTK [check her out at])

#4 Wrap Up

And that would be it for today, I hope you enjoyed this quick little introduction, and I hope you stick around for more (actual) content about life in Japan, if you have any questions that I can answer before even going, leave a comment down below,

send a postcard,


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